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Zemouregal & Vorkath Combat Achievements


This guide will go over how to complete the Combat achievements for Zemouregal & Vorkath, and assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of the encounter.

Preset and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Grandmaster Speed Killer

⬥ With this rotation it is possible to hit ~1:14.4 - 1:18.0 kill times.

⬥ You may need to finish Zemouregal with multiple invokedeath

Wars: stsunami


dive + (tc) + vulnbomb + rtsunami + dbreathgdeathsswiftsmokecloud jasdragonbanearrow gricobolg spec + 2t undeadslayer + limitless

rapidsgb specsnapdbow eofspecgricores (smokecloud Zemo) → shadowtendpiercingescape + sincend + dive → rincend + piercinggrico

rapidsnapdba spec → Zemo deathsporearrows piercinggricopiercingnatzerkgbarge + vulnbombdragonscimitar specgrico → sassault

rassault + dragonclaw eofspec + adrenrenewalmeteorstrikechaosroar → 3x dragonclaw eofspecgfuryoverpower → 2x dragonclaw eofspeclengmh spec → repeat (invokedeathnecroauto) until dead

Note: Use ballista during res and chaosroar

Example Kills