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Seiryu Combat Achievements


This guide will go over how to complete the Combat achievements for Seiryu, and assumes you are already familiar with the basic mechanics of the encounter which can be found here #ed1-basic.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Seiryu Master Speed Killer

Mage Melee Hybrid

⬥ This rotation is NOT recommended for standard kills, only for the achievement.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The setup takes extra time, thus lowering average kills per hour.

⬥ With this rotation it is possible to hit ~0:56.4 kill times.

⬥ For Melee you pray Piety + eclipsedsoul + divinerage

⬥ For Magic you pray overcharge + eclipsedsoul + divinerage

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• You may also use augury for the gstaff eofspec then switch back to overcharge


Sit and auto with lengmh lengoh for 8/9 stacks, Get max primordialice stacks

⬥ You can possibly proc a stack on head for bonus damage while not losing spec damage

Max hit mode dummy: deathsporearrows piercingbindingshotmdsdba spec → stall incend

Prebuild + Seiryu:

dummy + release incend + deathsporearrows gricocaromingnatzerkfreedomantigbarge + surge + dive + accelprepdivertsurge + dive + (tc) + vulnbomb + gflurrydragonclaw eofspecdragonclaw eofspecchaosroardragonclaw eofspecoverpowerlengmh spec + dive

Crystal 1:

Switch to Mage Gear

(tc) + vulnbomb + smokecloud + incitefear corruptblast + surge + domminegsunshineicebarrage + gconcwrackandruintsunamihydrixbakri gricocaromingexsanguinate fsoa specgconcdbreath

Crystal 2:

(tc) + vulnbomb + smokecloud + wmgconcomnigstaff eofspecsmoketendrils → cancel with wrackandruin

Crystal 3:

Switch to Melee Gear

(tc) + vulnbomb + anti + adrenrenewalzerkgbargeassaultoverpowerdragonclaw eofspecdragonclaw eofspec

Range Melee Hybrid

⬥ This rotation is NOT recommended for standard kills, only for the achievement.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• The setup takes extra time, thus lowering average kills per hour.

⬥ With this rotation it is possible to hit ~0:57.6 kill times.


dragonscimitar eofspecdba spec → stall tsunami


dummy release tsunami + natgconcwenarrow grico + equip meleezerkantigbarge + surge + divefreedom → stall assault


surge + vulnbomb + smokecloud + overpowerdragonclaw eofspecchaosroardragonclaw eofspecmeteorstrikegfurylengmh specpunishgrico + dive

Crystal 1:

Switch to Range Gear

(tc) + vulnbomb + corruptshotsurge + gdeathsswift + adrenrenewalecb eofspec + 2x domminesmokecloud + gricorapidzammybow eofspec

Crystal 2:

(tc) + vulnbomb + bolg specwenarrow grico deathsporearrowsdeathsporearrows incendingen + roarofawakening spececb eofspecwenarrow piercingdeathsporearrows snap

Crystal 3:

(tc) + vulnbomb + wenarrow gricorapidzammybow eofspecdbow eofspec