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Kezalam, the Wanderer Combat Achievements


This guide will go over how to complete the Master speed kill Combat achievement for Kezalam, the Wanderer.

General Information

⬥ The roarofawakening spec is used alongside a 0t switch to keep conjures alive. See !0tick ‎in #bot-commands for information.

Darkness darknessConjure Undead Army conjurearmy     • Have all 4 conjures selected ⬥ Greater Bone Shield greaterboneshield
Tier 100 weapons shardofgenesisessenceEquilibrium equilibriumaura ⬥ Ring of Vigour Passive Unlocked rov ⬥ Pray soulsplit and ruinationRipper Demon ripperpouch with ripperscroll     • ripperscroll autofire set to 1

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions



Kezalam 900k-600k

bloatsoulsapdeathskulls → Equip asr + ingen + affliction +roarofawakeningodetodeceit spec (0 tick) → Equip zorgothsring + ruination + soulsapomniguard specnecroautosoulsapvolleyofsoulstouchofdeathfreedom → Target Moonstone Shards + soulsapnecroautosurge + threadsoffate → Target Kezalam soulsapnecroauto

South Moonstone Obelisk


Kezalam 600k-300k

lifetransferlivingdeath + adrenrenewaltouchofdeathdeathskullssoulsap → Equip MH Crossbow + gricocaroming → Equip omniguard + bloatsoulsapfingerofdeathfingerofdeathdeathskullssoulsaptouchofdeathnecroautosoulsapnecroautofingerofdeathdeathskulls → Equip MH Crossbow + gricocaroming → Equip omniguard + divertprep

North Moonstone Obelisk

commandskeletonvolleyofsoulssoulsap + veng + disrupttouchofdeathinvokedeathlifetransfersoulsap

Kezalam 300k-0HP

splitsoul + vulnbombbloatsoulsap + vitalitydeathskullsingen + Equip asr + affliction +roarofawakeningodetodeceit spec (0 tick) → Equip zorgothsring + ruination + soulsap → Equip MH Crossbow + gricocaroming → Equip omniguard + specsoulsapvolleyofsoulstouchofdeathdeathguard90 eofspecsoulsap