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Black Stone Dragon Combat Achievements


This guide will go over how to complete the Grandmaster speed kill Combat achievement for Black Stone Dragon.

⬥ Robe top of the First Necromancer firstnecrorobetop     • Dragon Slayer dragonslayerperk     • Crackling 4 crack4 + Relentless 5 relentless5 ⬥ Robe bottom of the First Necromancer firstnecrorobebottom     • Impatient 4 imp4 + Devoted 4 dev4     • Invigorating 4 invig4 + Mobile mob
Darkness darknessConjure Undead Army conjurearmy     • Have all 4 conjures selected ⬥ Greater Bone Shield greaterboneshieldDragon Slayer dragonslayer
Tier 100 weapons shardofgenesisessence     • May be less consistent without ⬥ Equilibrium equilibriumaura ⬥ Ring of Vigour Passive Unlocked rov ⬥ Pray soulsplit and ruination     • sorrow may not be as consistent ⬥ Ripper Demon ripperpouch with ripperscroll     • ripperscroll autofire set to 1

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions


war dummy: Get 5 residualsoul stacks and 8 necrosis stacks at wars.

Outside BSD Room

conjurearmy + equip cinderbaneslifetransfercommandghostinvokedeathsplitsoulcommandskeleton

Black Stone Dragon

surge + dive + tc + bloat + vulnbombdeathskulls + dragonslayervolleyofsoulstouchofdeathnecroautodeathguard90 eofspec

First Hand

invokedeath + vulnbombsoulsap + Place 2 domminebloatcommandskeletonsoulsaptouchofdeath

Second Hand

bloatsoulsapinvokedeathomniguard specnecroautosoulsapnecroauto

Third Hand


Fourth Hand

invokedeathfingerofdeathnecroautonecroauto ‎ ‎→ natcommandskeletontouchofdeathnecroauto to full adren

Flight Skip

lifetransfer + vulnbomblivingdeath + adrenrenewaltouchofdeathdeathskullsdivertsplitsouldragonslayer + bloatvolleyofsoulsfingerofdeathfingerofdeathtouchofdeathdeathskullscommandskeletondeathguard90 eofspec → kill with basics