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Giant Mole Basic


A pest hiding under Falador Park. The Giant Mole is an introductory boss aimed at lower-levelled players. She will dig to a different part of the arena for every phase, indicated by a dirt arrow on the ground. This boss can be fought with tier 50-60 gear as well. The main difference between Normal Mode and Hard Mode is that the Giant Mole hits a bit harder and more quickly in Hard Mode.


Attack Rotation
Giant Mole uses melee auto attacks between mechanics. Her mechanics are based on the chamber she is in. In the last phase she will move to the central chamber and use all four mechanics, starting with Mini-Moles
Used after every phase. ⬥ The Giant Mole will burrow into the ground, going to another chamber in the arena. The player should: • Follow the dusty trail and go to the chamber in that direction to continue the fight     • Click to view an example of Burrow
Used in the north-west chamber. ⬥ The Giant Mole will call in moles to fight against you. A message pop-up will say The Giant Mole calls for aid. ⬥ The moles are weak for their combat level, having only 100 lifepoints and hitting max 200. While they are alive the Giant Mole has increased Defence and damage reduction, so it is advised for lower level players to kill them as quickly as possible. The player should: • Use Area-of-Effect (AoE) abilities to kill the Mini Moles, such as chain and dbreath     • Click to view an example of Mini-Moles
Used in the north-east chamber. ⬥ The giant mole will occasionally enter a berserk state where her attacks become stronger, more accurate and faster. This is indicated by her glowing red and green. She can be stunned as she enters this mode: a message pop-up will say The mole can now be stunned. The message The mole seems to regain her balance. will show as Berserk ends. The player could:     • Optionally use stunning stunicon abilities such as asphyx or soulstrike to stop her attacks     • Click to view an example of Berserk
Used in the south-east chamber. ⬥ The Giant Mole stomps the ground, loosening the ceiling, causing the player to be pinned and hit by falling rubble. This will be preceded by the message: You hear a crumbling noise above. ⬥ In Normal Mode, the main target becomes stunned and bound for 3.6 seconds. The player should:     • Use freedom or use anti beforehand to free yourself.     • Click to view an example of NM rockfall ⬥ In Hard Mode, the main target becomes trapped in mud. In this state, players may not move, attack, activate abilities or eat food but may still switch Prayers and drink potions.     • Freeing can be done by another player, or the giant mole will after dealing up to 3,000 damage to you, with the message The Giant Mole strikes a mighty blow, shattering your muddy prison.     • Click to view an example of HM rockfall
Upheaval and Rubble
Used in the south-west chamber. ⬥ The mole will use a rubble attack at the ground near the player's position. This has a 5x5 AoE centred on the player's position and deals 200 hard typeless damage every two ticks. During the attack she will also dive into the ground once, reappearing in another spot. In Hard Mode the damage is doubled from 200 to 400, and she dives twice instead of once. The player should:     • Move away from the area to avoid the attack. ⬥ This attack will also occur if you aren't in attack range of the Giant Mole at any point during the fight.     • Click to view an example of Upheaval

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Tips and Tricks

The Giant Mole can teach you to respond to game cues like message pop-ups and some movement, but is mostly an easy boss to get your first taste of bossing or boss kill count.

One hurdle for faster kills will be moving between the different chambers quickly, which is where mobility abilities such as surge and dive can help a lot.

Your options for dealing damage will vary greatly depending on your gear and unlocked abilities.

⬥ When using magic:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Use strong threshold magic abilities such as wm asphyx when available.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• You can make Giant Mole walk while comb is active for more damage too

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• A god staff special attack gstaff spec is a hard-hitting attack if unlocked

⬥ When using necromancy:

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Build necrosis stacks, using touchofdeath to then use fingerofdeath

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Build residualsoul stacks, then use volleyofsouls (or soulstrike)

Example Kill

Giant Mole NM magic