Basic Guide: Beastmaster Durzag
Beastmaster Durzag (BM) is the first of two raids bosses. Because of the straightforward nature of the fight, this is often the first group pvm experience for many players.
Presets and Relics
Overview of the Fight
⬥ The fight begins by clearing airuts and chargers.
• Beware of Airuts' punishing melee attacks.
⬥ When the mob counter reaches 22 the first pet, Cormes, will spawn beside the western gong.
• Stand slightly SE of this gong and attack the pet.
• Protect melee if attacked by melee airuts, or step away and
⬥ Kill airuts and chargers until the countdown reaches 0.
⬥ At this point, team members should position themselves near the centre of the arena.
• Base lures BM to the SE corner.
• Pet Tank 2 provokes the pet ensuring it faces away from the team.
• NC and BUSC clear chargers lining the arena perimeter.
⬥ The DPS attack Pet 2 until it reaches 100k health.
• They should then switch to Pet 3, attacking until it reaches ~100k lifepoints.
⬥ Kill pets when BM is almost 750k LP. If BM still has high health (~900k), lower BM's lifepoints to 750k before finally killing the pets.
⬥ Once pets die, focus on BM.
Pet Tank
⬥ Pets are split between two players: Pet Tank 1/3 and Pet Tank 2
• The numbers refer to the respective order in which the pets spawn.
• The first pet is always Cormes, the second pet can be either Tuz or Krar.
⬥ For Cormes, stand north of the western gong and as soon as it spawns.
• Protect from Ranged and DPS the pet until it dies.
⬥ Pet 2 spawns with BM. Position yourself just east of the northern gong, drop your DPS ultimate and the pet as soon as it spawns.
⬥ When Pet 2 reaches 500k LP, the third pet will spawn in a random corner.
• Pet Tank 1/3 should to draw the pet away from BM, keeping it facing away from the DPS pile.
North Chargers (NC)
⬥ Draws aggression of the northern chargers and kills them.
⬥ Shortly before the mob counter reaches 0, make your way to the eastern gong.
⬥ The perimeter of the arena is lined with cages which fill with chargers once BM spawns.
• Start north of the eastern gong, move counter-clockwise.
• Click each cage to free the charger.
⬩ Take a wide turn around the northern gong so chargers do not get trapped behind the pet. Example:
⬥ Once you collect all the northern chargers, move along the west wall to the SW corner.
⬥ Along with the BUSC, kill chargers with AOE abilities.
• Rangers should bring Mechanised Chinchompas .
• Magers should prioritise AOE abilities (e.g. )
• Necromancers should utilise
⬥ After clearing chargers, NC becomes a DPS for the rest of the fight.
Backup / South Chargers (BUSC)
⬥ Clears southern chargers and helps the Base Tank with tanking BM.
⬥ To clear chargers, start south of the eastern gong and move clockwise to the SW corner, clicking cages. Example:
• AOE chargers down with the NC.
⬩ Rangers should bring Mechanised Chinchompas .
⬩ Magers should prioritise AOE abilities (e.g.
⬩ Necromancers should utilise and
⬥ After clearing chargers, go directly east of the southern gong.
• Drop your DPS ultimate and attack BM. It is safest to Protect Melee until the end of the fight.
⬥ When BM reaches 750k LP OR one of the pets dies (whichever happens first), BM.
⬥ Aim to always have a defensive up as BM hits especially hard during this stage of the fight.
⬥ Eventually the base will provoke BM away from you.
• In longer kills, your stacks will clear. You should then back BM. Repeat this process with the base until the end of the kill.
Base Tank
⬥ When BM spawns, him and proceed to the SE corner. Example:
⬥ Once in the corner, drop your DPS ultimate and attack BM.
⬥ After the BUSC provokes BM away from you, your stacks will eventually clear. When stacks clear, back and cycle through your defensive abilities.
⬥ After BM reaches 750k hp, DPS him down as fast as possible.
⬥ The Base and BUSC should 'juggle' BM to enable each other to clear stacks and maintain good HP.
• All other team members are now purely DPS until BM dies.
Learning Raids
If you're interested in learning raids, join one of the these teaching servers listed in #affiliates!
Boss School
Mazcab Academy
Raids School