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Low effort Kerapac, the Bound (Normal Mode)



‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• It is more than likely user error or cutting corners, use #pvm-help if you cannot get it to work


⬥ It is recommended to start in Melee distance of Kerapac.

Magic Low Effort Method (+27 kph) magic


⬥ The following ARE REQUIRED for this method to work:     • Cutting corners will result in failure     • A more extensive list can be found in #AFK Overview
Essence of Finality eofRoar of awakening roarofawakeningCinderbane gloves cinderbanes     • Use weapon poison+++ weppoison / Kwuarm incense sticks kwuarmsticksScripture of Ful scriptureoffulIgneous Kal-Mej igneouskalmej or Igneous Kal-Zuk igneouskalzuk
Incite Fear incitefearDarkness darknessRipper Demon ripperpouch with ripperscrollNodon dragonkin task nodondragonkin     • Slayer helmet stand slayerhelm and Genocidal genocidalEnriched pontifex shadow ring pontifexshadowring passive is unlocked. ⬥ Vampyrism aura vampaura

⬥ Use enhancedexcalibur if you are under 5k LP before the start of the next kill.

⬥ Throw a vulnbomb during your sunshine cast and AFK from there.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Action Bars

Example Kills

Magic Low Effort magic

Melee Low Effort Method (27+ kph) melee


⬥ The following ARE REQUIRED for this method to work:     • Cutting corners will result in failure     • A more extensive list can be found in #AFK Overview
Essence of Finality eofAbyssal scourge abyssalscourge ⬥ 3 pieces of Vestments of havoc armour vestmentsofhavoctop     • Replace vestmentsofhavochood with jawsoftheabyssCinderbane gloves cinderbanes     • Use weapon poison+++ weppoison / Kwuarm incense sticks kwuarmsticksScripture of Amascut scriptureofamascut     • May be replaced with vampscrimIgneous Kal-Ket igneouskalket or Igneous Kal-Zuk igneouskalzuk
Chaos Roar chaosroar     • Method may be less consistent without it.
Darkness darknessRipper Demon ripperpouchNodon dragonkin task nodondragonkin     • Slayer helmet stand slayerhelm and Genocidal genocidalBonfire Boost firemaking and Ogre flask (thermal) thermalflaskEnriched pontifex shadow ring pontifexshadowring passive is unlocked. ⬥ Vampyrism aura vampaura

⬥ At the start of the kill throw a Vulnerability Bomb vulnbomb

⬥ Use enhancedexcalibur if under 5k LP.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Alternatively you may bank.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Action Bars

Example Kills

Melee Low Effort melee

Necromancy Low Effort Method (26+ kph) necromancy


⬥ The following ARE REQUIRED for this method to work:     • Cutting corners will result in failure     • A more extensive list can be found in #AFK Overview
Essence of Finality eofCinderbane gloves cinderbanes     • Use weapon poison+++ weppoison / Kwuarm incense sticks kwuarmsticksScripture of Wen scriptureofwenIgneous Kal-Mor igneouskalmor or Igneous Kal-Zuk igneouskalzuk
EoF Death Grasp deathguard90 eofspec     • Method may be less consistent without it.
Darkness darknessBlood reaver reaverpouchNodon dragonkin task nodondragonkin     • Genocidal genocidalBonfire Boost firemaking and Ogre flask (thermal) thermalflaskEnriched pontifex shadow ring pontifexshadowring passive is unlocked. ⬥ Aura priority: equilibriumaura > vampaura > penanceaura

⬥ Resummon conjures conjurearmy OR wait for boss to respawn and throw vulnbomb

⬥ Optionally queue deathguard90 eofspec before respawn.

⬥ Use enhancedexcalibur if under 2.4k LP.

Presets and Relics

Preset Suggestions

Action Bars

Example Kills

Necromancy Low Effort necromancy

Ranged Low Effort Method (28+ kph) range


⬥ The following ARE REQUIRED for this method to work:     • Cutting corners will result in failure     • A more extensive list can be found in #AFK Overview
Amulet of souls aos ⬥ Weapon with Caroming 4 caroming4Bik arrows bikarrowCinderbane gloves cinderbanes     • Use weapon poison+++ weppoison / Kwuarm incense sticks kwuarmsticksScripture of Wen scriptureofwenIgneous Kal-Xil igneouskalxil or Igneous Kal-Zuk igneouskalzuk
Darkness darknessBlood reaver reaverpouch with reaverscroll     • Set autofire rate to 5 if using low-level setup.     • Set autofire rate to 30 if using high-level setup. ⬥ Prism of Restoration prismofrestorationNodon dragonkin task nodondragonkin     • Slayer helmet stand slayerhelm and Genocidal genocidalEnriched pontifex shadow ring pontifexshadowring passive is unlocked. ⬥ Vampyrism aura vampaura

⬥ If using the low-level setup, you must use prismofrestoration and vulnbomb at the start of each kill.

⬥ Ful book scriptureofful

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Recommended only with the high-level setup.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎• Wen Arrows wenarrow are viable for a similar kph.

Presets and Relics

Action Bars

⬥ Low-level setup

⬥ High-level setup

Example Kills

Low-level setup

High-level setup

Alt1 Kerapac NM Helper

This tool reads your screen, and based on certain lines of dialogue in your chatbox, will trigger and play voice lines during the kill to let you know about upcoming mechanics and what to do for them.