Your Buffs
    defence Defence level
    armour Armour (tier or value)
    weakness Weakness
    combat style Combat Style
    Weakness affinity
    Melee affinity
    Range affinity
    Magic affinity
    Target Debuffs
    Your Debuffs

    Note on Equipment penalty

    Your accuracy stat will be reduced if your weapon and armour styles do not match.
    To calculate this penalty, add 150% of the total armour you have equipped in the style your weapon is strong against to 80% of the total armour you have equipped in the style your weapon is weak against.

    E.g. if using a bow, magic helm, and melee body, enter 1.5 times the magic helm's armour value plus 0.8 times the melee body's armour value.

    You can also check this value in game - equip the gear you intend to use and open the Equipment interface, hover over your accuracy stat to see "hybrid nerf".

    Your hit chance

    Melee hit chance 0.00%
    Ranged hit chance 0.00%
    Magic hit chance 0.00%
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    More Information

    If you need help using this calculator, don't hesitate to ask in the PvME Discord server!

    You can also join the RS Math server where you can be notified of updates, post suggestions, report errors, or receive additional help.

    This calculator does not automatically account for defence level drains from things like the Guthix Staff spec or Statius' Warhammer spec. Manually enter these using the Additional defence drain field.

    Bear in mind some monsters are immune to defence level drains, e.g. Araxxor.